Camp Team Village

Village KE

All Villages need someone to coordinate the Site Services Clan from their village, to keep their village clean, take rubbish to the collection point and clean the nearby toilets. That doesn’t sound quite right for me… Sounds interesting, tell me…

Village First Aid Lead

All villages need a First Aid Lead who can coordinate the first aiders within the village. To do this role, you need to be first aid trained. That doesn’t sound quite right for me… Sounds interesting, tell me more… How…

Village Safeguarding Lead

All Villages require a Safeguarding Lead so village members have someone they can go to in the event of a safeguarding issue at camp. That doesn’t sound quite right for me… Sounds interesting, tell me more… How do I get…

Village KP

The Village KP supports the Clans to prepare the meals, which have been designed and bought by the Central KPs. That doesn’t sound quite right for me… Sounds interesting, tell me more… How do I get Involved? Email us via…

Village Coordinator

Village Coordinators act as the key contact for a Village – transferring information between the Central Coordination Team and the Village Leaders – every village needs one. That doesn’t sound quite right for me… Sounds interesting, tell me more… How…